When Should I Have a Military T-shirt Quilt Made?
- Retirement
- Returning from Overseas Deployment
- End of a Tour of Duty
If you are in the military or have been in the military, you have T-shirts! And uniforms, flight suits, caps, sweatshirts, coats and just about every other type of clothing items that relates to your military service. And you probably have more of them than you need. So...you need to have a T-shirt quilt made!
Here are some ideas about types of quilts you could have made with your military gear and when you might have them made.
When to Have a T-shirt Quilt Made
Retirement is a logical time to have a T-shirt quilt made. Once you leave active service, you won’t need T-shirts, BDU’s, or any other daily military wear.
Don’t let all your military items just sit around. Having Too Cool T-shirt Quilts make a quilt for you will free up drawer space.
The best reason to have a T-shirt quilt made when you retire is for sentimental reasons. A T-shirt quilt lets you revisit your career without having to dig everything out of the basement.
If you are the spouse of a retiring active serviceperson, this is the ultimate retirement gift.
Returning from Overseas Deployment
We have made many T-shirt quilts for those returning from overseas deployments.
Generally, these are made specifically from the T-shirts collected during the deployment.
Many times, the T-shirts in these quilts are not quite ready for prime time or state side daily wear. But, in a T-shirt quilt, they tell an interesting story.
If you are going to be deployed, consider collecting T-shirts while you are there.
End of a Tour of Duty
You have been in the military six years and now you are ready to reenter civilian life. You may have a stack of T-shirts that tell the story of your service. These might be T-shirts you don't want to wear on a daily basis. A T-shirt quilt made with these will tell a story of that time period and adventure in your life.
What Can You Use in Your Military T-shirt Quilt?
If you can wash it in a washing machine, you can use it a T-shirt quilt. T-shirts, sweatshirts, BDU’s, dress uniforms, patches, flight suites, dress uniforms, caps, bags, flags, pennants, and coats. If you would like it included in your quilt, include in with the items you send us.
Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.
Why Too Cool T-shirt Quilts for a Military T-shirt Quilt?
That is me, Andrea Funk, the founder of Too Cool T-shirt Quilts. I was in the Michigan Army National Guard back in the day. I was a journalist, so I got to fire so many different weapons. That's me firing a machine gun. I knocked that drone right out of the sky. They didn't expect that.
Photographs of Military T-shirt Quilts
Below are photographs of some of the military quilts we have made over the last few years. You may see many familiar items that you may also have and want to include in your quilt.
Want to learn more about T-shirt quilts? Visit our Learning Center.
We have over 200 articles about all aspects of T-shirt quilts.
Andrea Funk is the inventor of T-shirt quilts made with multiple blocks sizes. The modern method of making T-shirt quilts. In 1992 she founded Too Cool T-shirt Quilts. Her life has been immersed in T-shirt quilts ever since.