Let’s break down a quilt top. We cut out each design on a T-shirt. This then becomes a block in your T-shirt quilt. The quilt top is comprised of these blocks. Blocks in a quilt top without a graphic or design are blank blocks or filler blocks.
When we design a T-shirt quilt, it is first a mathematical process. For example, a quilt that is 60” wide by 72” long has 4,320 square inches of area that has to be filled. If your T-shirts only make 4,256 square inches of blocks, you will be short 64 square inches. You have to fill in those blank spots with something. That something are blank blocks.
We can also use the fabric from the border of your quilt for the blank blocks. We do this if you want a border color that is not a color in your quilt.
For example, say that you love green. You want a green border added to your quilt. Why? Well, because you just love green! There is just one problem. None of your T-shirts are green. If we only added a green border to your quilt, it would look odd. Just not right.
The solution is to add a number of green blank blocks to the body of your quilt. Now the inside of your quilt has green. The result? The green border will look awesome.
The second photo here shows an example of using pieces from the skirt for filler blocks. We also used the skirt for the binding. It was a great way to tie together the entire quilt.
Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.
There are three typical reasons for blank blocks.
Some of the blocks we use are just a small square. Sometimes we will make the blank block a rectangle. This shaped block can help us eliminate 4 corners coming together in a quilt. We try very hard never to have 4 block corners come together. We like our quilts to look as random as possible.
Why. If there is only one neon block in your quilt, your eye will go to that block. Every time you look at the quilt, your eye first goes to that one block. To eliminate that, we will add other blank blocks of that neon to the quilt.
Adding additional blocks of neon will make that single neon block less important. One bright block screams look at me! Look at me! Three bright blocks take away the power of that one bright block.
If you hate neon, don’t send us a neon T-shirt to put in your quilt. When one block is so much brighter than all the other blocks in your quilt, we will attempt to balance that bright block so it doesn’t dominate the quilt.
That said, you can tell us what colors you like. If we can use more of that color, we will.
We might not be the right quilt maker for you and your T-shirts if you need to decide where each block goes.
We like to work with customers to make great quilts. We have made over 10,000 quilts. We know what works and look great. We also know what doesn’t work and will make your quilt look awful. You are going to have to trust us on this.
What to learn more about T-shirt quilts? Visit our Learning Center.
We have over 200 articles about all aspects of T-shirt quilts.