All About T-shirt Quilts

Who’s a Good Fit (and Who’s Not) for a Too Cool T-shirt Quilts?

Written by Andrea Funk | March 2025

Choosing a T-shirt quilt style and maker is a personal decision. While we love working with everyone who values T-shirts and quilts, we’ve found that our quilts resonate most with certain types of customers.

Let’s explore who might be a great match for our quilts and who might want to consider other options.

Who’s a Good Fit for a Too Cool T-shirt Quilts?

Your T-shirts Are Very Important to You

Your T-shirts tell a story—a story you’re eager to preserve and celebrate. Whether it’s marathon finishes, concert memories, or a lifetime of milestones, your T-shirts are more than just fabric to you. They’re pieces of your identity.

Pricing Isn't Your Top Concern

Quality and design take precedence over cost for you. You’re looking for something extraordinary and are willing to invest in a quilt that reflects the time, effort, and materials needed to create a truly exceptional piece. Here's a link to our pricing page. 

You Want a Quilt, Not a Blanket

The distinction matters to you. Our T-shirt quilts are designed with precision and artistry, offering a structured, finished look that goes far beyond the simplicity of a blanket.

Here's an example... Both of these T-shirt quilt and blanket were made from the exact same group of T-shirts. The results are very different!

On the left is a T-shirt blanket made in the traditional rows and columns style. The front and back of this blanket are not attached. It's very floppy.

The quilt on the right is a T-shirt quilt by Too Cool T-shirt Quilts. This was made with the Too Cool or puzzle style. All the blocks are cut to fit the graphic on the T-shirt. And it is full quilted. 

Read more about the difference between a quilt and blanket here. 

You Value Cutting-Edge Style

If modern, eye-catching designs speak to you, our T-shirt quilts are exactly what you’re looking for.

Traditional T-shirt quilts follow a rigid grid, with identical square blocks arranged in rows and columns. While classic, this style can limit how many T-shirts you can include and lacks visual excitement.

In the early 1990s, I introduced the Too Cool style—also known as the Puzzle style—because I didn’t know the rules about making T-shirt quilts. The result? A quilt design that’s dynamic, engaging, and showcases your T-shirts in a way that’s anything but ordinary.

Read more about different styles of T-shirt quilts here. 

Heirloom Quality Matters

You’re not just thinking about today. You’re envisioning a quilt that will last for generations, holding memories and stories that can be passed down with pride.

That's a Too Cool T-shirt Quilt! We use the highest quality materials in our quilts. We make them with techniques that should stand the test of time!

Design Is a Priority

You care about how your quilt looks—the balance, the colors, and the overall aesthetic. You want a piece that’s as visually stunning as it is meaningful.

Our approach to making a T-shirt quilt is to work on the design first. We want tour quilts to not only be well made, we want them to be spectacular to look at! 

Are you a good fit? A Too Cool T-shirt Quilt is perfect for someone who values their T-shirts as cherished memories and seeks a unique, high-quality way to preserve them. Whether it’s our innovative Puzzle style, heirloom-quality craftsmanship, or a focus on exceptional design, our quilts are for those who prioritize artistry and durability over cost. If you’re looking for more than a just a blanket—something dynamic, meaningful, and built to last—you’re in the right place.

Who Might Not Be the Best Fit for a Too Cool T-shirt Quilt?

Your T-shirts Aren't Important

If your primary goal is to simply get a T-shirt quilt, and the shirts themselves don’t hold much sentimental value, our quilts might not be the best match.

For example, some high school graduation quilts fall into this category—they’re more about the event than the shirts.

You Need the Lowest Pricing

If budget is your main concern, we might not align with your needs. While we strive to offer fair pricing, our focus is on quality and design. This means we’re not the cheapest option.

You Don't Mind a Blanket Instead of a Quilt

Our work emphasizes the craftsmanship and structure of a quilt.

If you’re looking for something simpler, like a blanket, our process and designs may be more than what you’re seeking.

Read more about the difference between a quilt and a blanket here. 

Quality Isn't a Priority

For those who don’t mind shortcuts or aren’t concerned about durability, there are many quicker and cheaper alternatives out there.  Read more about how to save money on a T-shirt quilt here.

Traditional Style is Fine for Your Quilt

If you’re perfectly happy with a basic, traditional T-shirt quilt, you might not fully appreciate the unique, innovative styles we offer.

We specialize in modern, fresh designs that stand out. Read more about traditional style of quilts here.

Why Finding the Right Fit Matters for Your T-shirts

Choosing the right quilt maker isn’t just about what we offer—it’s about what you value. When your priorities and expectations align with what we do best, you’ll end up with a quilt you’ll treasure forever. If your needs or preferences lean in a different direction, that’s okay too! Finding the right solution for your T-shirts is what’s most important. 

To help you in your search,  we have compiled a list of the most popular ones for you.

Take a moment to think about what matters most to you. If it’s quality, design, and preserving your T-shirts in a meaningful way, we’d love to work with you. Here's how to get started.