If your son or daughter stayed with scouting until high school graduation, they probably will have accumulated even more items.
So, what can you do with these items?
For a quilt, you would typically need 15 or more items. The more items, the larger the quilt can be. We also have the ability of taking any number of items and making your quilt larger or smaller by the amount we use from each item.
For example, if you have 40 items and want a small quilt, we would only use small pieces from each item. But that same 40 items can be made into a much larger quilt by using large blocks from each item and/or more than one block from each item.
For a pillow, you could use 3 to 10 items. The fewer items you have for the pillow would mean that we would use more than one block from each item.
If you only have a few items and scouting was a small part of growing up, a few scout items mixed into a typical high school graduation T-shirt quilt probably will be enough. Items to consider would be T-shirts, a scarf, a vest or a uniform top.
Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.
There are a number of ways we can include a bandana type scarf in a quilt. We can use just a corner of the scarf. This can be mounted onto another piece of material at right angles to the material or set on point. We can also fold the scarf so it mimics how it would have looked when worn.
Typically, we use the troop numbers from the sleeve, the American flag patch, each pocket independently or together.
We will use whatever is on each side of the shirt. If you don’t want something used, here are the instructions for how to tell us not to use part of a shirt.
These can be used in their entirety. We set up a block with a hanging loop so the lanyard can be attached and then removed for laundering.
We will take the logo off the cap and apply it like we would a patch.
Or we can hang a very special cap like it's shown in the photo. This way you can remove the cap to wash the quilt.
Read more about using caps and hats here.
These can be used. We typically will cut a vest into three sections – back and front, right and left. We will make a block from each of these pieces.
We will sew a sash onto a block so it retains its recognizable shape. If there are patches on the front and back of the sash, generally, we will cut the sash into two sections and put each section on its own individual piece.
We will cut a representative section from these items. If there is a distinguishing feature on the item, we would use that. For example, a pocket or a pleat would be used.
If you have any questions about what else we might be able to use in your quilt, please feel free to e-mail us your questions.
Want to learn more about T-shirt quilts? Visit our Learning Center.
We have over 200 articles about all aspects of T-shirt quilts.