All About T-shirt Quilts

Planning a Graduation T-shirt Quilt: 4 Simple Steps

Written by Andrea Funk | February 2023

If your child is graduating from high school, they are most likely expecting a T-shirt quilt made from their high school T-shirts.

For American high school students, it has become an expected right-of-passage. They will only be surprised if they don’t receive a quilt

Some parents have been saving their children’s clothing since childhood. Other parents are just figuring out now that a T-shirt quilt is expected.

Either way, in January or February of your child’s senior year, it is time to begin the process of having that quilt made. 

Planning a Graduation T-shirt Quilt in 4 Steps

1. Find the T-shirts

Begin by gathering the T-shirts and see if you have all the ones you want.  If you find that some of the T-shirts are missing, start looking for those T-shirts - now. You might find them stuffed under the bed or somewhere else a teenager might stash their stuff.

If you are missing a particular T-shirt and don’t want to advertise that you are making them a T-shirt quilt, you might say, “I haven’t seen you wearing your _______T-shirt recently.” This might lead into a conversation that it’s gone missing, it’s at someone’s house or that it’s just a lame T-shirt.  Here’s an article about if you should talk to your child about their quilt or not.

Places to find missing T-shirts: school, coach, neighbor, younger sibling’s dresser drawers, Goodwill, or the school’s lost and found.

Note: T-shirts are not the only items that can be used in a T-shirt quilt! You can use any machine washable fabric in your quilt.  Here are several articles about other types of items that can be included in your quilt.

Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.

2. Find a T-shirt Quilt Maker

Finding a T-shirt quilt maker to will make the quilt you want will take some research on your part. You may be disappointed if you just settle for your aunt’s neighbor’s friend's cousin without first knowing what you want, when you want it and how much you want to pay. Here are three things to consider when you are looking for a quilt maker.

  1. Know what style of T-shirt quilt you want.  There are 6 typical styles to choose from. Here's an article about the different styles.
    6 Styles of T-shirt quilt

  2. Decide on your budget and then double it. Typically an inexpensive quilt will be a poorly made, low quality quilt.
    How much does a T-shirt quilt cost?

  3. The quilter’s time frame. Some quilter’s schedules fill up very fast in the spring. Other quilters might think they can get your quilt finished on time, but are not set up to make as many quilts as they have promised.  

    One of the first questions you should ask a quilter is, “Can you realistically complete my quilt by the date I need it back by?” The earlier your graduation date or open house, the sooner you need to get your T-shirts to your quilter.

  4. How to find a quilter. Here are some article that will help you know what you need to do to find a great T-shirt quilt maker. We here at Too Cool T-shirt Quilts would be delighted to make a quilt for you!

    How to Find a T-shirt Quilt Maker
    Local T-shirt Quilt Makers vs Nationally Known?

3. Mark Your T-shirts According to Your Quilt Maker's Directions

After you have settled on a quilter, the next step is to prepare your T-shirts according to that company’s directions. Every quilt maker has different directions. Spend time on that quilter’s website reviewing how they want the T-shirts prepared. Here's how to prepare your T-shirts for Too Cool T-shirt Quilts.

At this time you can also decide which T-shirts will go into the quilt. The decision will be based on a number of items:

  • Who is making your quilt and the style of T-shirt quilts they make.
  • The sizes of images on the T-shirts and if the T-shirts are one or two-sided

4. Ship or Deliver Your T-shirts to Your Quilt Maker


You need to plan to have all your T-shirts sent to your quilter by late February or very early March. The exact timing will depend on your quilter’s schedule and when your graduation or open house is. The earlier your graduation date or open house, the sooner you need to get your T-shirts to your quilter.

Graduation Day or Open House

This is when your persistence in finding a great T-shirt quilt maker will pay off. A T-shirt quilt will be a gathering place at your open house. Your guests will share their memories of events they participated in with your son or daughter. 

Choose an area with enough room for people to congregate, yet is a respectable distance away from the food and drink.

Here's more information about how to hang a T-shirt quilt. 

Want to learn more about T-shirt quilts? Visit our Learning Center.
We have over 200 articles about all aspects of T-shirt quilts.