All About T-shirt Quilts

Is the Batting Used in a T-shirt Quilt Important to It's Quality?

Written by Andrea Funk | September 2021

YES! The Batting Used in Your T-shirt Quilt is Important

Although you don’t see the batting in a quilt, it is very important. The type of the batting used influences the look, quality, feel and most importantly, the longevity of your T-shirt quilt. 

In this article, we will look at the types of batting most T-shirt quilt makers are using. We will also look at the loft of a batting, batting quality and the longevity and durability of battings.  

We hope this information will help in your choice of quilt makers. 

Types of Batting

100% Polyester

This batting is comprised of finely stranded plastic fibers wadded together. You may be familiar with this type of batting. You can find polyester batting in many commercial blankets or comforters, coats, and stuffed animals. (My dogs love to un stuff stuffed animals for fun!)

100% polyester battings have two major issues:

  1. The first issue, quilting distance. Most batting come with directions on how close it needs to be quilted. For example, some battings say that you can leave areas of up to 3 square inches un-quilted.

    So, what happens if a polyester batting isn’t quilted close enough? After several washings, the batting may wad-up in the areas in between the quilting.

    In the photo here, you can see a large un-quilted area in this T-shirt quilt. This area is huge! The batting in that area will bunch and wad up over time as the quilt is washed.

  2. Bearding is another issue. Polyester fibers are sharp! Sharp enough that they can work themselves out through the back of the quilt. Over time, the fibers will poke out the back of the quilt. This gives the back of the quilt a slightly fuzzy look.

Why do quilters like 100% polyester battings?

Because they are inexpensive. They can help reduce the cost of a quilt. 

This isn’t the batting used for heirloom quilts. They are for quilts that have a limited “shelf life.”

80% cotton/20% Poly Blend

A blended backing contains a combination of two fiber materials. The most popular blend is needle punched 80% cotton /20% polyester. This batting feels like a 100% cotton batting. But the 20% polyester makes this batting strong and stable.

Needle punched is a manufacturing process. During this process, the cotton/poly fibers batting run through a hot roller drum spiked with needles. The hot needles go into the fibers and melt the polyester. As the needles come out, the hot melty polyester fibers pull through the cotton fibers. This process binds the cotton fibers and makes a strong batting. It won’t rip like 100% cotton battings. 

This is the preferred batting for a T-shirt quilt.

In the photo here, we have held up polyester batting on the left and cotton batting on the right. You can see how much thinner the polyester batting is. 

100% Cotton

100% cotton batting is made from, you guessed it, cotton. When unbleached, it’s off white and you can see the cotton fibers.

The one major drawback is that some 100% cotton batting is unstable. Nothing holds the fibers together. The batting is more likely to rip and tear while you work with it. Thus, is more difficult to work with.

This also means the quilt needs close quilting. If not, the batting may wad up in the areas between the quilting after you wash it several times. Most experienced quilters know this. Thus, they quilt close enough that this doesn’t happen.

This is also a good option for a high-quality T-shirt quilt.

This photo shows the quilt "sandwich" of cotton backing, cotton batting and a quilt top.

100% Wool

100% wool batting is made from wool fibers. It looks like a combination of a fluffy polyester batting with the color of a cotton batting. Wool batting is expensive. Some people may be allergic to it.  

Wool does have the advantage of being light weight. It’s cooler in the summer and warm in the winter. It’s weird stuff!

A T-shirt quilt can use wool batting. It will cost more than cotton or a blend.

This photo here shows wool batting on the left and cotton batting on the right. 


Bamboo batting is an up-and-coming new batting. I have not tested this on a T-shirt quilt, but it’s touted as long lasting, breathable, and warm.

Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.


Loft or Batting Thickness

The loft of a batting is how thick it is. Many people confuse the loft of a batting with its warmth. They assume a thick batting is warmer than a thin batting. But this is untrue.

Batting technology has made it so that a thin cotton batting is as warm or warmer than fluffy polyester battings. 

The photo here compares a high loft and low loft batting.

How a batting’s loft effect your quilt


  • The thickness of batting will affect your quilt. A thicker batting will make the quilt appear puffier. You see more high and low spots on the quilt. The low spots are where the stitching is. The high spots are where there is no stitching.
  • A thick batting also makes it difficult to fold and store your quilt. 
  • A thick batting will often bunch up after you wash your quilt.  

With a thinner batting, you see less highs and lows in the look of the quilt. It will have a flatter and smoother appearance.  A thinner batting will also make it easier to fold your quilt. You can store it in a smaller space.

If quilted properly, a thinner batting won’t bunch up after washing.

In the photo here, the quilt on the left was made with low-loft batting. The quilt on the right was made with high loft batting. You can see the difference in the way the two quilts fold.


What a quilter pays for batting has a direct impact on the cost of your quilt. Batting is one of a number of costs a quilter passes on to customers. 

If you need a low-cost quilt, expect a lower quality of batting. If a quilter uses 100% polyester batting, expect a low-end quilt. 100% high loft polyester batting is at the low end of the quality and price spectrum. Beginning quilters often use polyester batting because they don’t know - yet.

If you want an heirloom quality quilt, look for a quilter using a high-quality batting. A batting such as needle punched 80% cotton/20% poly, 100% cotton, wool or bamboo batting. These battings are expensive for good reasons. They are good quality batting that will stand the test of time. 

In the photo here, the quilt on the right was made with high loft polyester batting. It also doesn't have enough quilting. Compare that quilt to the one on the left. This was made with low loft 80/20 batting. There is also enough quilting, so the batting won't break up over successive washes. Read more about the comparison of these two quilts here. 

Longevity and Durability

The batting used in your quilt is a factor in the longevity and durability of your quilt. 

Longevity refers to the life expectancy of a quilt. Every time you wash any cloth item, it takes a little life out of that item. This is true for quilts. A quilt washed once a week will have a shorter life expectancy than one washed once a year.

Durability considers how you use your quilt. The more you use your quilt, the more rugged you want you quilt to be. And the more washes the quilt will need to withstand.

100% polyester battings bunch up over repeated washings. Eventually, your quilt will have lumps of batting and areas without batting.

If you plan on really using your quilt, it needs to be tough. A needled punched 80%cotton/20%poly batting is tough stuff. It’s difficult to tear. It stays where you put it. It will last. How do we know? We've have T-shirt quilts that are over 30 years old that were used and washed every weekend for years.

The batting used in a T-shirt quilt is important! It will influence the look, feel and life of your quilt.

Here's a list of questions you can ask a prospective quilt maker


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