That same principle applies to a neon T-shirt in a quilt. It will stand out! There is no way to make a neon T-shirt block quiet. If there is just one neon T-shirt, this is where your eyes will go every time you look at the quilt.
And neon is not just yellow. There is neon pink, orange and green. The principle here that apply to neon T-shirts apply to all colors of neon.
The question is then what do you do with a neon T-shirt needs to be used in a T-shirt quilt? You need to decide how you want it used.
Your neon T-shirt will be cut as we would any other T-shirt. We save the leftover blank T-shirt material from this T-shirt. We use this material for small fillers placed throughout your quilt. This balances the bright neon color.
Since there is more than one block of the bright color, your eye will not get pulled right to that one block. As a result, the neon becomes less of a focal point.
This is as close to “hiding” a neon block as we can get. Rather than hiding, it’s more of a move to down play the neon. Your eye will always see the neon first. There is nothing we can do to change that. What we can do is combat it by adding additional neon blocks.
Downside: If the neon T-shirt isn’t one of your favorites you will have extra squares of that neon fabric.
Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.
What else could you do with one, two or more neon T-shirts you don’t want in a quilt? You can have them made into a pillow. It would be a pillow that would be difficult to misplace!
In this example here, we refuse to put the neon T-shirts in the Texas quilt. It would have looked awful. So we pulled out the neon T-shirts and made a pillow. You can see how much the pillow and the quilt clash with each other.
Read more about having a pillow made here.
Here’s information about having a pillow made from just one T-shirt.
You have three options with your neon T-shirt – balance, eliminate or highlight. If you don’t specify what option you would like, we will balance that neon throughout the quilt so it doesn’t stand out – as much.
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We have over 200 articles about all aspects of T-shirt quilts.