Remember back to middle school when you told your 6th grade science teacher that your dog ate your homework but in reality you forgot it at home? No, maybe that was just me. (And I didn't even have a dog!)
But dogs really do eat things other than middle school homework; sometimes they take chunks out of a beautiful T-shirt quilt! You wouldn't believe some of the calls we've gotten about dogs and repairing quilts.
“Hey Andrea.... We have a small situation with Julia's quilt. One square has a tiny hole in it. Our dog ... Can you help?”
Yes we can help! It won't be easy, but we will get through this together! Fixing a T-shirt quilt is a much more involved process than getting a new notebook for science class.
There are three layers of a Too Cool T-shirt quilt: the T-shirt part, the batting and the backing. Did your dog make it through all three layers? Or was it just one or two layers? Before we can create a plan of attack to fix your quilt we must know how many layers were damaged and the extent of the damage.
What you need to do is to take a few good photos for us so we know what to expect.
This is where the time and labor happens. Because the quilt is already made, we have to sew the patches on by hand. Sewing by hand takes time, especially if the holes are big and all over the quilt.
Because all fabric dyes will fade over time and with exposure to light. As you may know, artwork is often stored in dark rooms when not on display to minimize fading. But this is a quilt that has been lived with, washed and used, not the Mona Lisa. So some fading is to be expected. We do our best to match the backing color of your quilt during a repair.
Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.
In the photo to the right, the white block was sewn by hand over another damaged block. The block was then re-quilted.
Repairing a damaged T-shirt quilt isn't easy, but we understand that your quilt is more than just a something to keep you warm. Your quilt holds your memories and tells you or your loved one’s story.
And that is why we go through all the hard work when a quilt needs to be repaired.
We charge $40* per hour for repairs with a 1 hour minimum. *Prices effective until 12/31/2025.
We won't scold you like my 6th grade science teacher did... But next time, don't let your puppy eat your quilt!
Want to learn more about T-shirt quilts? Visit our Learning Center.
We have over 200 articles about all aspects of T-shirt quilts.