If you have ever Googled “What to do with race bib numbers”, I am sure you have seen all sorts of fun, stupid and silly uses of them. From wrapping gifts to papering your walls, the ideas are out there.
But here is a new use for your race bib numbers – make a quilt or pillow with them. That’s right, the actual Tyvec race number can be used in a pillow or quilt.
Tyvec washes well and only gets softer with every wash cycle. Other quilt companies will use your numbers, but they may scan and print them on fabric. Why bother? Just use the actual race number!
4 Approaches to Using Race Numbers in a Quilt or Pillow:
Have a quilt made using only race bib numbers. The bibs are not sewn direct to each other; rather they are sewn to and “framed” on pieces of T-shirt material. You could specify that you want the race numbers mounted on just one color family – such as all different blues. Or you could have them mounted on many different colors of fabric. Either option will make for a spectacular looking quilt.
Intermix your race numbers with race T-shirts. Your bib numbers could be backed with material that matches your T-shirts or just one color family. If you have dull T-shirts, mounting the numbers on bright colored material will liven up your quilt.
Mount the race number on its race T-shirt. So if you run the Hot Cocoa Classic 5K and Marshmallow Mountain Mile at Mt. Brighton, you would have the race bib from that race sewn on that particular T-shirt. You would just need to determine if you wanted the bib mounted to the design on the back or front of the T-shirt.
To help remember which T-shirt and which year’s race the number came from, write this information on the back of the race number with a Sharpie after each race. When you put a T-shirt aside for a quilt, pair that T-shirt up with its race number so you won’t have to figure it out later.
Our newest solution to using race bibs in a T-shirt quilt is to make a border with them. I love this solution! I like how you can see all the race bibs in their own part of the quilt.
The border will need to be 8 or 12 inches wide. This quilt used 27 race bibs. The large the quilt, the more bibs you will need. We can work with you to determine how many bibs you will need. Or you can send what you have and we can figure the spacing based on the number of bibs you want to include.
Have a Quilt Made Using only race bib numbers.
The bibs are not sewn direct to each other; rather they are sewn to and “framed” on pieces of T-shirt material. You could specify that you want the race numbers mounted on just one color family – such as all different blues. Or you could have them mounted on many different colors of fabric. Either option will make for a spectacular looking quilt.
Intermix Race Numbers With Race T-shirts
Your bib numbers could be backed with material that matches your T-shirts or just one color family. If you have dull T-shirts, mounting the numbers on bright colored material will liven up your quilt.

Mount the Race Number on Its Race T-shirt
If you ran the Hot Cocoa Classic 5K and Marshmallow Mountain Mile at Mt. Brighton, you would have the race bib from that race sewn on that particular T-shirt. You would just need to determine if you wanted the bib mounted below the design on the back or front of the T-shirt.
To help remember which T-shirt and which year’s race the number came from, write this information on the back of the race number with a Sharpie after each race. When you put a T-shirt aside for a quilt, pair that T-shirt up with its race number so you won’t have to figure it out later.
Make a Border on Your T-shirt Quilt From Race Bibs
I love this solution! I like how you can see all the race bibs in their own part of the quilt.
The border will need to be 8 or 12 inches wide. This quilt used 27 race bibs. The large the quilt, the more bibs you will need. We can work with you to determine how many bibs you will need. Or you can send what you have, and we can figure the spacing based on the number of bibs you want to include.

Planning a T-shirt quilt?
Here are step-by-step directions for ordering your Too Cool T-shirt quilt.
If you haven’t started saving your race numbers, now you have a great reason to save them.
Andrea Funk
Andrea Funk is the inventor of T-shirt quilts made with multiple blocks sizes. The modern method of making T-shirt quilts. In 1992 she founded Too Cool T-shirt Quilts. Her life has been immersed in T-shirt quilts ever since.